Harm Reduction: Compassionate Care for People Who Use Drugs Podcast Series, Episode 7: Innovative access to harm reduction support and linkage to treatment

Credit Available: CE Credit(s): No
Certificate: No

In this episode the discussion centers around the MATTERS Network, an initiative designed to connect individuals with opioid use disorders to treatment and harm reduction services. Programs like MATTERS offer multidisciplinary solutions to combat obstacles for patients with SUD in accessing harm reduction resources and treatment. MATTERS employs innovative methods such as emergency telemedicine and electronic r4eferrals to outpatient treatment. The emphasis on low-barrier access to supplies and treatment allows MATTERS to provide accessible and stigma free services. Collaboration with various groups ensures effective outreach and advocacy for policy changes to address the needs of people who use drugs with compassion.

Episode release date: August 22, 2024. Register at the link below.

Educational Objectives:

  • Investigate the underlying factors contributing to the current overdose epidemic.
  • Identify harm reduction strategies relevant to the current moment in opioid use disorder including MOUD and drug test strips.
  • Examine the importance of low-barrier access to harm reduction supplies and treatment linkage in responding to the evolving opioid epidemic.
Kenneth Stoller, MD, 2018 Steering Committee Meeting

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