Students and Educators

Nearly 15 percent of the U.S. population has an identified substance use disorder (SUD). For healthcare providers, this means more than 1 in 7 of their patients may require evidence-based care for an SUD. Traditionally, colleges and universities have provided minimal education in understanding substance use disorder identification and treatment. While this is changing, PCSS-MOUD recognizes the need to offer more training and resources on SUD so that students are prepared to adequately treat patients when they begin their practice. PCSS-MOUD clinical experts have compiled a repository of educational materials that can help ready students—all at no cost.

Important courses and resources for educators and students to consider:
  • SUD 101 Core Curriculum – While healthcare professionals are often on the front lines of treating substance use disorders, most have limited (if any) training in this area. The curriculum was created to provide a foundation of the current research, resources, and support needed to increase healthcare professionals’ capabilities to treat their patients across the continuum of care.
  • Chronic Pain Core Curriculum – These modules, taken individually or cohesively, will provide learners with up-to-date and evidence-based information on best opioid prescribing practices and treatment of opioid use disorder.
  • Addiction Treatment: Clinical Skills for Healthcare Providers – This course is designed with a singular goal: to improve the care you provide to your patients with substance use disorders. By delving into a model case performed by actors, seven Yale instructors from various fields provide techniques to screen your patients for substance use disorder risk, diagnose patients to gauge the severity of their use, directly manage treatment plans, refer out to treatment services, and navigate the various conditions that may limit your patient’s access to treatment.
  • 2021 Boston Medical Center OBAT Clinical Guidelines – The purpose of this document is to provide detailed guidelines of the Nurse Care Manager Model of Office Based Addiction Treatment program for management of substance use disorders, with particular emphasis on treatment of opioid use disorder with buprenorphine (alone and in combination with naloxone) and naltrexone (oral and extended-release injectable formulations).
  • Online 8-Hour MOUD Training – Comprised of modules from the revised SUD 101 Core Curriculum, this 8-module online course can be taken at participants’ own pace.
Looking for more resources? Search for trainings and other educational activities and resources geared towards students and educators.
Adam Bisaga, MD, 2018 Steering Committee Meeting


Designed for health professionals and educators who want to learn more about treating individuals OUD or prescribing opioids for pain. Our experts provide support by phone, email, or in-person if logistically possible.

2018 Steering Committee Meeting

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