Harm Reduction: Compassionate Care for People Who Use Drugs Podcast Series, Episode 8: Emerging Overdose Detection Technologies and Hotlines

Credit Available: CE Credit(s): No
Certificate: No

In this podcast episode the conversation focuses on emerging detection technologies in drug use hotlines, with specific attention on mitigating risks of solitary drug use and fatal overdoses. Most people who experience a fatal overdose are alone at the time of use and death (solitary drug use). Real-time monitoring of drug use events and rapid connection to a peer responder or Emergency Medical Services could save lives if widely available. This episode describes the rationale for remotely supervised drug use via overdose prevention technologies, such as hot lines, and provide examples for how these programs are working in the United States.

Episode release date: August 29, 2024. Register at the link below.

Educational Objectives:

  • Understand the prevalence and risks associated with solitary drug use, particularly in relation to fatal overdoses, and recognize the importance of real-time monitoring and rapid response systems in mitigating these risks.
  • Explore the rationale behind remotely supervised drug use through overdose prevention technologies and hotlines, including the role of these interventions in saving lives and reducing other drug related harms.
  • Evaluate real-world examples and case studies from the United States to illustrate the effectiveness and impact of overdose prevention programs utilizing remote supervision and rapid response strategies.
Kenneth Stoller, MD, 2018 Steering Committee Meeting

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