Harm Reduction: Compassionate Care for People Who Use Drugs Podcast Series, Episode 6: Drug Use, Pregnancy, & Parenting

Credit Available: CE Credit(s): No
Certificate: No

This episode of the podcast introduces a discussion on harm reduction strategies for drug-using pregnant, postpartum, and parenting individuals. Pregnancy and the postpartum period challenge our notions of harm reduction. These stages force us to address fundamental questions: Who is our patient, and who is the primary focus of our harm reduction efforts? Is it the birthing parent, the fetus, the baby, or the entire family unit? As we navigate through two intertwined journeys—those of substance use and recovery, and pregnancy, birth, and parenting—we inevitably encounter conflicting values such as family unity, recovery, and safety. Our podcast delves into these dilemmas, exploring the tensions that arise and examining various harm reduction strategies applicable at different points along the continuum.

Episode release date: August 15, 2024. Register at the link below.

Educational Objectives:

  • Enumerate the harms we are scared of in pregnant and post postpartum people using drugs.
  • Describe harm reduction interventions at each stage of pre-conception, pregnancy, postpartum and parenting.
  • Analyze the barriers to healthcare during pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting when using drugs.
Kenneth Stoller, MD, 2018 Steering Committee Meeting

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