Harm Reduction: Compassionate Care for People Who Use Drugs Podcast Series, Episode 4: Leveraging technology: Expanding Veteran access to harm reduction resources through vending machines

Credit Available: CE Credit(s): No
Certificate: No

In this podcast, presenters from the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Health Care System Harm Reduction Program will discuss how and why their program chose to implement harm reduction vending machines (HRVMs), how the machines work to increase Veteran access to resources, key implementation strategies and lessons learned, opportunities to include multidisciplinary team members and learners, and ongoing future research. Harm reduction strategies, including syringe services programs, overdose education, and naloxone, are evidence-based practices which decrease the negative consequences of drug use; yet many barriers limit access and participant engagement. Evidence suggests HRVMs are a successful strategy to address many barriers.

Episode release date: August 1, 2024. Register at the link below.

Educational Objectives:

  • Summarize the evidence for harm reduction supply distribution via vending machines.
  • Describe the iterative quality improvement project results of a California Veterans Affairs Health Care System Harm Reduction Program which led to program expansion via vending machines.
  • Describe harm reduction vending machine implementation strategies, successes, and challenges for a California Veterans Affairs Health Care System Harm Reduction Program.
  • Discuss strategies for incorporating multidisciplinary team members and learners in harm reduction vending machine education, Veteran registration for access, and resource offering.
Kenneth Stoller, MD, 2018 Steering Committee Meeting

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