Harm Reduction: Compassionate Care for People Who Use Drugs Podcast Series, Episode 3: Insights from the Front Line: Harm Reduction Interventions in an Urban Hospital

Credit Available: CE Credit(s): No
Certificate: No

“Insights from the Front Line” introduces San Francisco’s first ever hospital-based harm reduction program, led by Sophie and Patty with the Addiction Care Team at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. Together, alongside episode host, Leah Fraimow-Wong, they will reflect on the challenges they experienced with changing culture around addiction care in the hospital and address strategies to combat stigma and staff burnout. They will share real-life impacts of patients who participated in their program and explore exciting new projects for hospital-based harm reduction in the near future!

Episode release date: July 25, 2024. Register at the link below.

Educational Objectives:

  • Describe what a hospital-based harm reduction program might look like.
  • Identify common challenges for implementing a hospital-based harm reduction program and strategies to address them.
  • Explain the significance of offering harm reduction to patients in a hospital setting.
Kenneth Stoller, MD, 2018 Steering Committee Meeting

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