10: Integrating Motivational Interviewing and its Application as a Pain Management Strategy

Credit Available: CE Credit(s): Yes
Designations: AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™, AAPA Category 1 CME, Nursing Contact Hours, Pharmacy CE Credit, Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) Credit

Target Audience: This activity is designed for physicians, advanced practice professionals, nurses, psychologists, pharmacists, social workers, residents/fellows, health professional students, and other mental health clinicians. This activity is accredited for physicians, nurses, PAs, pharmacists, interprofessional teams, and other health professionals.

Credit Designations Available: AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™, AAPA Category 1 CME, Nursing Contact Hours, Pharmacy CE Credit, Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) Credit

Description: This activity focuses on the foundational components of Motivational Interviewing and how this approach fits into a client centered approach to care. Participants learn how to apply motivational interviewing skills within a pain management framework. 

Educational Objectives:

  • Define Motivational Interviewing (MI)​
  • Describe the tasks, spirit, and principles of MI​
  • Illustrate MI techniques used in a client centered approach for pain management
Kenneth Stoller, MD, 2018 Steering Committee Meeting

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