PCSS-MOUD 8 Hour MOUD Training
Email [email protected] for registration.
PCSS-MOUD 8 Hour MOUD Training
Email [email protected] for registration.
PCSS-MOUD 8 Hour MOUD Training
Email [email protected] for registration.
PCSS-MOUD 8 Hour MOUD Training
Email [email protected] for registration.
PCSS-MOUD 8 Hour MOUD Training
Email [email protected] for registration.
8 Hour MOUD Training
If interested in attending please contact [email protected]
Newly Approved Weekly and Monthly Buprenorphine: A Primer for Clinicians
Target Audience: This activity was developed to meet the needs of physicians, nurses and interprofessional healthcare providers. Discussion is designed to promote interactivity through an informal “round table” conversation. Attendees will be given the opportunity to speak directly with the presenter to ask questions and discuss issues. In support of improving patient care, American Academy […]
Half and Half Buprenorphine Training
If you have questions please contact [email protected]
Pharmacological Rationale for High-Concentration Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment
Target Audience: This activity was developed to meet the needs of physicians and interprofessional healthcare providers. Discussion is designed to promote interactivity through an informal “round table” conversation. Attendees will be given the opportunity to speak directly with the presenter to ask questions and discuss issues. In support of improving patient care, American Academy of […]
Ongoing Buprenorphine Treatment: How to Approach Follow-ups
Target Audience: This activity was developed to meet the needs of physicians and interprofessional healthcare providers. Discussion is designed to promote interactivity through an informal “round table” conversation. Attendees will be given the opportunity to speak directly with the presenter to ask questions and discuss issues. In support of improving patient care, American Academy of […]